Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Future Seniors!

Dear Future Seniors,

The begginning of the end of your high school career is just around the corner. The key to being successful your senior year is... DON'T PROCRASTINATE !!! You have to be on top of things in order to fully enjoy the luxuries of senior yeas as well as applying for colleges. It may seem boring and a hastle, but if you get all your work done the day it is assigned, you'll be able to have more free time to have fun! Do not wait until the last minute to write your personal statement, all my friends were rushing to finish it in November while I had finished mine in October, and all I had to do is submit my applications then I was done. I did'nt want to do it a month prior to the deadlines but it really did pay off because I wasnt pressured the night before the deadline. Applying for colleges is a difficult thing, you have to make sure you apply to the colleges that have your major and that best benefit YOU. Don't apply to schools just because your friend is going there, be a bit selfish and make your own decisions about college and about your future!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hilltop policy under fire

This is ridiculous. Keeping children out of the classroom is totally counterproductive to what schools are attempting to accomplish. Lock them out for a few minutes?Fine. But make them go back to class!! If students are late to class, the teachers should give them a detention once they arrive. That way they wont deter their education.

Monday, October 18, 2010

About Me

Hello, I am Jose Vega and I am a senior at Chula Vista High School. I love soccer and my goal is to win league with the varsity soccer team. I enrolled in AVID to improve my note taking abilities and also to seek help with my college applications. As of right now, I am applying to numerous schools in the bay area and some schools that have offered me soccer scholarships. I have caught the interest of schools in Hawaii, Illinois, & schools in the Bay Area. Soccer has opened many doors for me, and one of them was an opportunity to attend a University. If there is anything else you would like to know, feel free to message me.
